Studies - Doctoral Studies: PhD in Literature at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (1988-1994).
- Undergraduate studies: Four years degree in Pedagogy, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (1984-1988).
Professional career - Member of academic staff in the Faculty of Primary Education at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1996-today, Professor since 2013).
- Academic assistant, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Primary Education at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1994).
- Qualified Postgraduate Scholar, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Primary Education at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1988-1994).
- Teacher at private vocational training institutes (1989-1993).
Research interests - Literature Teaching/Literary Education.
- Modern Greek Literature, poetry and fiction (20th century).
- Relations between literature and art (painting, sculpture and photography) / Interart Poetics.
- Theory and Teaching of Ekphrasis.
- Theories of Reading / Reader Response Theories.
- Illustrated book / Picturebook.
Teaching A) Undergraduate level a) “Literature Teaching” b) “Literature and Education”. c) “The Book in Education”. d) “Modern Greek Literature, 19th-20th centuries” (in collaboration with Professor Mrs. V. Patsiou until the academic year 2015-16). e) “Literature for Children and Young Adults” (in collaboration with Professor Mrs. V. Patsiou until the academic year 2015-16). f) “Special issues in the interpetation and teaching of children's books”. B) Postgraduate level a) “Literature Teaching”. b) “Theories of Reading”. c) “Tradition and Innovation in Literature”. C) Τeaching at the Maraslio Didaskalio of Primary Education (1996-2011): Τhe modules “Modern Greek Poetry”, “Literature Teaching”. Research programmes Scientific advisor in 2 national funded programs and participation in 5 national funded programmes. Current research projects: “Visual Arts in the Literature Classroom: Teaching Activities- Methodology- Integrated Resources” (“Kapodistrias” funded programme). [in collaboration with Professor Mrs. V. Patsiou], “Studying and Teaching Literature: Philosophy, Research, Theories, and Resources” (funded by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). Academic activities - Member of the team of Reviewers of the International Journal: Pedagogical Studies.Social, educational and arts issues(ISSN 2083-179X e-ISSN 2449-8)
- Undertaking the organization-convener of the annual International Conference The Child and the Book 2014.
- Erasmus Departmental Coordinator of 9 bilateral agreements between University of Athens and European universities in 7 countries (Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Norway, Turkey, Finland).
- Temporary Senior Research Visiting Fellow at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of King’s College London (2008-2009).
- Member of the judging panel for the award of o anagnostis’ literary prizes (in the category of children’s book).
- Cooperator of the State Scholarships Foundation: Member of the Examination Committee for granting Postgraduate scholarships in the field of “Literature Teaching”, supervisor on behalf of the State Scholarships Foundation of several doctoral scholars studying abroad (2002-2008).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the II International Meeting of Portuguese Language Teaching, College of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, 2011.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the I International Conference on Creative Writing, University of West Macedonia- American College of Athens, October 2013.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Literature and Intercultural Pathways”, Dimokritio University of Thrace, University of Ioannina, Trakya University in Turkey,, May 2014.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Teaching Literature in English for Young Learners:
- FOSTERING CULTURAL AWARENESS (Facultat de Magisteri at the UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA, Spain, May 2015.
- Research Visiting Fellow at the Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, Université Libre de Bruxelles (2001-2002).
Publications 14 books and edited books and more than 150 papers in international and national refereed journals as well as in international and national peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Selected publications Α) Books and Book chapters - Pleasures and Days of Reading. Teaching Literature in Elementary School, Athens: I.M. Panagiotopoulos Editions, 22002.
- Pleasures and Days of Reading, vol. 2, Athens: I.M. Panagiotopoulos Editions, 2003.
- Literary Books in Preschool Education [in association with D. Anagnostopoulou and V. Patsiou], Athens: I.M. Panagiotopoulos Editions, 2001.
- “The story of a narrative and the narration of a story: Critical Approach to Allilografia. A novel by I.M.Panagiotopoulos”, in: Allilografia, edited by Th. Pylarinos and critical approach by Tz. Kalogirou, Athens: I.M. Panagiotopoulos Editions, 2003.
- The Evergreen Child. Four Critical Approaches to Manolis Pratikakis’ Poetry [in association with E. Garantoudis, K. Kostiou and Th. Pylarinos], 2007, Athens: Kastaniotis.
- The Phantom of the Icon: Reading and Teaching Ekphrasis in Poetry, Editions typothito / G.Dardanos (forthcoming).
- Μ. Benton – G. Fox, Teaching Literature. Nine to Fourteen, translated into Greek, edited with an introduction by Tz. Kalogirou – D.N. Bechlikoudi, Athens: I.M. Panagiotopoulos Editions (forthcoming).
B) Edited books - Literature in Education: Theoretical Approaches and Teaching Applications in the Primary Classroom, edited with an introduction by Tz. Kalogirou and K. Lalagianni, Athens: 2005, Editions typothito / G. Dardanos.
- Voluntary Reading in School, [in association with A. Katsiki-Guivalou and A. Chalkiadaki], Athens: Patakis Editions, 2008.
- “Not Only for Children”: Picturebook as a Crossover Genre. Contribution to the Study of the Art and Craft of Illustration (under the auspices of Greek Ibby), edited and with an introduction by Tz. Kalogirou, Athens: Papadopoulos Editions, 2006.
- Black and White: Aspects of Race Identities and Racism in Contemporary Childrens’ Literature, A special Issue of the e-academic journal keimena dedicated to the study, research and teaching of childrens’ and young adult literature, edited by Tz. Kalogirou (2008).
- The Power of Literature. Teaching Approaches, Teaching Material and Recourses(Primary-Secondary School) ,edited with an introduction by Tz. Kalogirou and V. Patsiou, Athens: 2013, Editions typothito / G. Dardanos.
C) Selected Articles in Journals and Proceedings - [in association with V. Economopoulou], «The Blending of Real and Unreal. History, Culture, Folklore and Fantasy in Contemporary Greek children’s fiction», in: Realismo Social y Mundos Imaginarios: Una Convivencia para el Siglo XXI, edited by J. Santiago Fernαndez Vαzquez, A. Labra Cenitagoya, E. Laso y Leon, Universidad Alcala 2003, p. 295 -308.
- «Le crépuscule des héros: Mythe et ethos dans la Quatrième Dimension de Yannis Ritsos», στον τόμο Le Mythe d’ Hélène, sous la direction de M. Broze, L. Couloubaritsis et al., Éditions Ousia 2003, p. 269-284.
- «L’ensignement des grands auteurs dans les écoles élémentaires de la Grèce: Lecture et reaction», Repères, no 32, 2005, special issue «Les frontières de la littérature telle qu’elle s’enseigne», edited by C. Tauveron and D. Dubois-Marcoin, p. 115-122.
- [in association with G. Polyzoe]: «Above us fireflies. Teaching haiku poetry in the Elementary Classroom», in: English Studies and Language Teaching. Including a selection of papers from Ideas That Work 2005-2007, vol. 3, edited by Andrew Tollet, Plzěn: Zapadočeska Universita v Plzni / University of West Bohemia, 2008, p. 93-98.
- «Giving shape to “airy nothing”. Poetics and reception of the open work in contemporary children’s literature (Prince or Princess?)» , peer-reviewed international journal Neohelicon XXXVI (2009) 1, p. 35-43.
- [in association with Th. Nakas]: «Patterns of Word and Phrase Repetition as Linguistic Universalia in Folktales», Proceedings of 15th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research / ISFNR, Narratives Across Space and Time: Transmissions and Adaptations, Athens, 21-27 June 2009,forthcoming).
- [in association with Th. Nakas]: «Τυπολογία του οξύμωρου» (“Typology of the Oxymoron”), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL 9), 29-31 October 2009/Chicago, Illinois, USA, edited by K. Chatzopoulou (University of Chicago), A. Ioannidou (The Graduate Center, CUNY), S. Yoon (University of Chicago), (ISSN 2225-899X), p. 332-346.
- [in association with S. Chatzidimitriou-Paraschou]: «Το ξύπνημα και το ταξίδι: Νεαρές ηρωίδες ταξιδεύουν σε αναζήτηση της ταυτότητας», (“The Awakening and the Journey: Young heroines in search of identity”, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Modern Greek Studies, “Identities in the Greek world (from 1204 to the present day)”, (Granada, 9-12 September 2010), held by the European Society of Modern Greek Studies and the University of Granada, volume 4, (ISBN 978-960-99699-3-2), 2011, 315-328. Available at: ChatzidimitriouParaschou_Sofia_Kalogirou_Tzina.pdf?PHPSESSID=sacv5fhj6o4v8e038ri29omvg1. 66.
- [in association with V. Economopoulou]: «The curious case of a “sleeping beauty” heroine: The development of a young female from childhood to adulthood», 1st International Conference of the Spanish Association of Literary Theory (ASETEL), Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Granada, Granada, 26-28 January, 2011 (forthcoming).
- [in association with K.D. Malafantis]: «Do I dare / disturb the universe? Critical Pedagogy and the ethics of resistance to and engagement with literature», The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS), ISSN 1740-2743, vol. 10, n. 1, April 2012, available at: www.jceps. com/index.php?pageID=home &issueID=19.
- [in association with V. Economopoulou]: «Intertextuality, Intertextual Readings and Literature Teaching: From Theory to Practice», Proceedings of the II International Meeting of Portuguese Language Teachers 2012, published by EXEDRA Journal, p. 179-187: exedrajournal/wp-content/uploads/ 2013/01/14-numero-tematico-2012.pdf.
- «Light and Silence: Teaching approaches to Vermeer’s Women through Painting and Poetry», Proceedings of the I International Conference, Teaching Literature in English for Young Learners, Facultat de Magisteri, Departament de Didàctica de la Llingua I la Literatura, University of València, 2012, p. 126-132.
- [in association with K.D. Malafantis]: «Negotiating Miranda’s vision in the classroom: Critical Encounters with Literature. From Archetypal Symbolism to Dystopian Fantasy”, in: Thinking through Children's Literature in the Classroom, edited by Luis S. Villacañas de Castro, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013, p. 131-149.
- [in association with V. Economopoulou]: «Questioning Identities through War: Representations of victimized children in contemporary picturebooks for young readers», in: National Identity in Picturebooks of the New Millenium, edited by Åse Marie Ommundsen, Oslo: Novus Publishing LLC, 2013, p. 147-164.
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