Studies - Higher National Diploma in Statistics, Piraeus University
- Ptychion in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus
- Department of Computing and Mathematics, University of Bradford CONTINUOUS UNIVARIATE DISTRIBUTIONS ARISING IN FINANCE Ph.D thesis
Professional Career/Experience - Risk Analyst, National Statistical Service of Greece (10 years)
Research Interests - Risk Management in Education
Teaching Α) Undergraduate level a) Statistics b) Statistics & Probability Theory c) Risk Management Ι d) Risk Management ΙΙ Β) Postgraduate level a) Research Methodologies and Statistics b) Qualitative and Quantitative Methods & Approaches in Scientific Research Publications in peer-reviewed journals & peer-reviewed edited volumes 1. AN INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION FOR CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS Zastosowania Matematyki Applicationes Mathematicae (1988), Vol. 20, 47-52, with T. Artikis, D. Jerwood. 2. A CLASS OF UNIMODAL DISTRIBUTIONS SERDICA Bulgaricae Mathematicae Publicationes (1988), Vol. 14, 322-324, with T. Artikis, D. Jerwood. 3. ON THE PRESENT VALUE OF RANDOM CASH FLOWS UNDER RANDOM TIMING Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society (1987), Vol. 28, 57-63, with T. Artikis. 4. LIMITING BEHAVIOR OF CERTAIN MIXTURES OF DISTRIBUTIONS Analysis Mathematica (1990), Tomus 16, 81-86, with T. Artikis. 5. ΚΡΙΤΗΡΙΑ ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΗΣΕΩΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΩΝ - ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΩΝ Σπουδαί (1988), Τόμος 38, 549-563, με Θ. Αρτίκη και Α. Σούγιαννη. 6. Α COMPLETE SET OF UNIMODAL DISTRIBUTIONS SERDICA Bulgaricae Mathematicae Publicationes (1994), Vol. 20, 68-73. 7. ΟΝ THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRESENT VALUE OF A CONTINUOUS UNIFORM CASH FLOW Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society (1989), Vol. 30, 53-57. 8. ANALYTICAL AND SIMULATION TECHNIQUES FOR DISCOUNTING BINOMIAL RANDOM SUMS Mathematical and Computer Modelling (1992), Vol. 16, 53-58, with T. Artikis, D. Jerwood. 9. ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΔΙΩΝΥΜΙΚΩΝ ΤΥΧΑΙΩΝ ΑΘΡΟΙΣΜΑΤΩΝ ΣΤΗ ΛΗΨΗ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΕΩΝ Μαθηματική Επιθεώρηση (1989α), Τεύχος 36, 75-79. 10. Α CLASS OF COMPOUND POISSON DISTRIBUTIONS AND ITS STOCHASTIC DERIVATIONS Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society (1992), Vol. 34, 91-97. 11. ΑΝΑΜΕΝΟΜΕΝΗ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ ΠΟΣΟΣΤΙΑΙΑΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ Μαθηματική Επιθεώρηση (1993), Τεύχος 40, 55-60. 12. ΜΙΑ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΣΗΣ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΣ ΑΠΟΚΛΙΣΗΣ ΣΤΗ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΥ Μαθηματική Επιθεώρηση (1994), Τεύχος 42, 17-32, με Ε. Ντζιαχρήστο και Γ. Νικήτα. 13. ANALYTICAL AND COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNIQUES FOR A STOCHASTIC MODEL ARISING IN DISCOUNTING CONTINUOUS UNIFORM CASH FLOWS Mathematical and Computer Modelling (1993), Vol. 18, 9-16, with T. Artikis, D. Jerwood. 14. POISSON RANDOM SUMS OF PRESENT VALUES OF CONTINUOUS UNIFORM CASH FLOWS Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society (1993), Vol. 35, 125-136. 15. CERTAIN SELECTING AND UNDERREPORTING PROCESSES Mathematical and Computer Modelling (1994), Vol. 20, 103-106, with T. Artikis, M. Malliaris. 16. NOTE ON A STOCHASTIC PRESENT VALUE MODEL ARISING IN INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Journal of Applied Business Research (1995), Vol. 11, 94-96, with P. Artikis. 17. ΕΝΝΟΙΕΣ ΑΝΤΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ Μαθηματική Επιθεώρηση ( 1994), Τεύχος 41, 1-5, με Ε. Ντζιαχρήστο. 18. ΑΝ INFINITELY DIVISIBLE DISTRIBUTION IN FINANCIAL MODELLING Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society (1995), Vol. 37, 113-122, with D. Malliaropulos. 19. A BINOMIAL RANDOM SUM OF PRESENT VALUE MODELS IN INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Spoudai (1997), Vol. 47, 15-20, with E. Ntziachristos. 20. UNIMODALITY AND APPLICATIONS IN RISK MANAGEMENT OF A STOCHASTIC COMPOUNDING MODEL International Review of Economics and Business (1997), Vol. 44, No 1, 159-170, with T. Artikis, P. Artikis. 21. Α STOCHASTIC PRESENT VALUE MODEL IN SELECTING RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES Journal of Applied Business Research (1997), Vol. 13, No 4, 119-125, with T. Artikis, J. Moshakis. 22. Α STOCHASTIC MODEL FOR PROACTIVE RISK MANAGEMENT DECISIONS Mathematical and Computer Modelling (1997), Vol. 26, No 7, 87-95, with T. Artikis, D. Jerwood and J. Moshakis. 23. EIΔΙΚΕΣ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΕΝΟΣ ΣΤΟΧΑΣΤΙΚΟΥ ΜΟΝΤΕΛΟΥ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΥ Μαθηματική Επιθεώρηση (1996), Τεύχος 46, 26 – 42, με Γ. Δημάκο και Ε. Κούκλη. 24. A STOCHASTIC MULTIPLICATIVE MODEL IN ASSESSMENT OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society (1998), Vol. 40, 133 – 144, with G. Dimakos. 25. A STOCHASTIC DISCOUNTING MODEL ARISING IN COMPETING RISKS MANAGEMENT Computers and Mathematics with Applications (1999), Vol. 38, 51-59, with J. Moshakis and P. Artikis. 26. CAUCHY ITERATED INTEGRAL IN CONSTRUCTING A SEQUENCE OF TRANSFORMED CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS Advances in Equations and Inequalities (1999), 259 – 273, Hadronic Press,U.S.A. 27. A STOCHASTIC INTEGRAL ARISING IN DISCOUNTING CONTINUOUS CASH FLOWS AND CERTAIN TRANSFORMED CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS Applied Mathematics Letters (2000), Vol. 13, 87 – 90, with T. Artikis. 28. STOCHASTIC FUTURE-VALUE MODELS FOR CONTINUOUS UNIFORM CASH FLOWS ARISING IN RISK MANAGEMENT Reports on Statistics and Operational Research (2000), 1 – 23, University of Bradford, with D. Jerwood, T. Artikis and J. Moshakis. 29. STOCHASTIC MULTIPLICATIVE MODELS IN RISK SEVERITY REDUCTION OPERATIONS Mentor (2000), Vol. 2, 166 – 174 30. RANDOM SUMS OF BERNOULLI, RANDOM VARIABLES IN MODELLING, RISK FREQUENCY REDUCTION OPERATIONS Spoudai (2001), Vol. 51, 14 – 21 31. PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS IN RISK FREQUENCY REDUCTION OPERATIONS OF AN INTEGRAL PART MODEL Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2001), Vol. 42, 211 – 218, with T. Artikis and P. Artikis. 32. RISK MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING BASED ON RANDOM SUMS INCORPORATING THINNED RENEWAL PROCESS IN RANDOM TIME Operational Research (2001), Vol. 1, 1 – 16, with T. Artikis and D. Jerwood . 33. STOCHASTIC MODELS IN EDUCATING EXPERTS ON THE MEASURMENT AND CONTROL OF RISK Scientific Archives (2001), Honorary Volume, University of Piraeus, 1 – 10, with E. Ntziachristos. 34. ON THE CLASS OF RENEWAL PROBABILITY GENERATING FUNCTIONS Submitted for publication. 35. ON A TRANSFORMATION FOR PROBABILITY GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SOME INFINITELY DIVISIBLE DISTRIBUTIONS Submitted for publication. 36. RISK CONTROL OPERATIONS IN EDUCATIONAL INFORMATICS Submitted for publication, with C. T. Artikis 37. STOCHASTIC VECTORS IN MODELLING RISK CONTROL OPERATIONS FOR SUPPORTING INTELLIGENT BEHAVIOUR OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, accepted for publication with C.T. Artikis and T. Babalis Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings 22-24/10/2014 | Συμμετοχή στο 4ΟΔιεθνές Συνέδριο eRA-9 του Τ.Ε.Ι. Πειραιά. Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν : Evaluation of Quality Assurance Processes in H.E.I. using SPSS Εισηγητές: M. Sigala, D. Tseles, A. Voudouri, A. Raptis | 11-14/04/2013 | Συμμετοχή στο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο του Εργαστηρίου Κοινωνικών Επιστημών του Τομέα Ανθρωπιστικών Σπουδών του ΠΤΔΕ του Παν/μίου Αθηνών, στην Αθήνα με θέμα: «Παιδική Ηλικία: Κοινωνιολογικές, Πολιτισμικές, Ιστορικές και Παιδαγωγικές Διαστάσεις». Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν: Η επίδραση του σύγχρονου δημοτικού σχολείου στις αναπτυξιακές μεταβολές της μέσης παιδικής ηλικίας σε γνωστικό επόπεδο – Ερευνητική προσέγγιση ως προς τις απόψεις της εκπαιδευτικής κοινότητας του Νομού Αττικής Εισηγητές: Α. Βουδούρη, Α. Μπούρας, Ε. Τριανταφύλλου | 11-13/05/2012 | Συμμετοχή στο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο του ΠΤΔΕ του Παν/μίου Αθηνών, στην Αθήνα με θέμα: «Η Ποιότητα στην Εκπαίδευση: Τάσεις και Προοπτικές». Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν: Η ποιότητα στην Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση: Αντιλήψεις της εκπαιδευτικής κοινότητας του Νομού Αττικής Εισηγητές: Α. Βουδούρη, Α. Μπούρας, Ε. Τριανταφύλλου | 2-5/06/2011 | Συμμετοχή στο 3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Επιστημών Εκπαίδευσης στην Αθήνα με θέμα: «Άτομα Υψηλής Νοημοσύνης: ιστορικές, βιολογικές, κοινωνικές, εκπαιδευτικές διαστάσεις. Η εκπαίδευση χαρισματικών παιδιών στην Ελλάδα». Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν: Ο σχεδιασμός και η οργάνωση της διδασκαλίας χαρισματικών παιδιών στην τάξη ενός σύγχρονου δημοτικού σχολείου Εισηγητές: Α. Βουδούρη, Α. Μπούρας, Ε. Τριανταφύλλου | | | 6-8/05/2011 | Συμμετοχή στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο του Εργαστηρίου Τέχνης και Λόγου, του Π.Τ.Δ.Ε και της Ένωσης Εκπαιδευτικών Μουσικής Αγωγής Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης υπό την αιγίδα του Παιδαγωγικού Ινστιτούτου στην Αθήνα με θέμα: «Τέχνες και Εκπαίδευση: Δημιουργικοί τρόποι εκμάθησης των γλωσσών». Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν: Διδασκαλία με παιχνίδι: Η αναγκαιότητα της επιμόρφωσης των εκπαιδευτικών Εισηγητές: Α. Βουδούρη, Α. Μπούρα, Ε. Τριανταφύλλου | | | 19-21/11/2010 | Συμμετοχή στο 7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Παιδαγωγικής Εταιρείας Ελλάδος στο Ρέθυμνο με θέμα: «Ελληνική Παιδαγωγική και Εκπαιδευτική Έρευνα». Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν: Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα: ατενίζοντας το μέλλον. Εισηγητές: Α. Βουδούρη, Α. Μπούρας, Ε. Τριανταφύλλου | | | 27-30/05/2010 | Συμμετοχή στο 2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Επιστημών Εκπαίδευσης στην Αθήνα. Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν: Μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας στη σύγχρονη τάξη του δημοτικού σχολείου Εισηγητές: Α. Βουδούρη, Α. Μπούρας, Ε. Τριανταφύλλου | 7-9/05/2010 | Συμμετοχή στο 5ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Εφαρμοσμένης Παιδαγωγικής και Εκπαίδευσης (ΕΛΛ.Ι.Ε.Π.ΕΚ.) στην Αθήνα με θέμα: «Μαθαίνω πώς να Μαθαίνω». Το θέμα της εισήγησης ήταν: Τα παιδιά παίζουν με τα κλάσματα Εισηγητές: Α. Βουδούρη, Α. Μπούρας, Ε. Τριανταφύλλου | Scientific Project Recognition M.Sc. References - Aleixo, G. (2009) Risk management of new product development process, Integrated Master Degree in Industrial Management Engineering Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia References to : 22.
M.Phil References - Voltis, G. (1999) Properties and applications in risk frequency Reduction of discrete renewal distributions, MPhil Thesis, University of Bradford. References to 2, 8, 13, 15, 22.
Ph.D. References - Agorastos, K. (1988) Stochastic modelling of high risk investments, PhD Thesis, University of Bradford. References to: 22.
- Artikis, P. (1995) Stochastic discounting and simulation, A capital budgeting model applied in the Greek banking industry, PhD Thesis, University of Bradford References to: 8, 13.
- Zoubairi, Y. (1997) Survival analysis with competing risks applied to benign multiple sclerosis, PhD Thesis, University of Bradford References to: 1, 8, 13.
- Moshakis, J. (1998) Distribution theory relating to stochastic discounting and compounding models, PhD Thesis, University of Bradford References to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 15, 20.
- Artikis, P. (2006) Stochastic modelling and applications of riskiness PhD Thesis (in Greek), University of Athens References to: 8, 13, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 31.
References to peer-reviewed journals - Steutel, F. (1990) “Problem 257”, Problem section, Statistica Neerlandica 44: 101 Reference to: 4.
- Steutel, F. (1991) “Problem 257”, Problem section, Statistica Neerlandica 45: 223. Reference to: 4.
- Krysicki, W. & Kaluszka, M. (1993) “Some inequalities for characteristic functions”, Scientific Bulletin of Lodz Technical University Matematyka 25: 13-18. Reference to: 1.
- Van Harn, K. & Steutel, F. (1993) “Stability equations for processes with stationary independent increments using branching processes and Poisson mixtures”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 45: 209-230. References to: 15.
- Vaphiades, G. (1996) “The application of Beta and Gamma distributions to underreported income values”, Spoudai 46: 31-37. References to: 8, 15.
- Artikis, G. (1997) “A stochastic present value model in portfolio analysis”, Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society 39: 41-52. References to: 1, 3, 13.
- Jerwood, D. & Moshakis, J. (1997) “Discounting a random cash flow distributed as a finite mixture”, Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society 39: 53-62. References to: 1, 3 , 8.
- Kehagias, J. & Voltis, G. (1997) “Properties and applications of a modified stochastic integral part model”, Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society 39: 85-94. References to: 1, 3, 8, 13, 15.
- De Schepper, A., Goovaerts, M., Dhaene, J. Kaas, R. & Vyncke, D. (2002) “Bounds for present value functions wit h stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility”, Insurance: Mathematics & Economics 31: 87-103. References to: 13, 27.
- Stal-Le Cardinal, J. & Marle, F. (2006) “Project: The just necessary structure to reach your goals”, International Journal of Project Management 24: 226-233. Reference to: 22.
- Wang, S. & Li, C. (2006) “Unimodality of present value distributions and extension to present value models”, Journal of Henan Normal University 34: 169-170. References to: 8.
- Penttinen, M. (2006) “Proactive and reactive computer network maintenance policies: Accounting and Risk”, International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 6: 292-308. Reference to: 22.
- Withers, S. & Nadarajah (2010) “Moment inequalities for positive random variables”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 1348 : 687-690. References to: 4.
- Artikis, C., Artikis, P. & Moshakis, J. (2008) “Stochastic compounding models for continuous uniform cash flows arising in risk management”, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems 11: 277-301. References to: 3, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22.
Self-reports to peer-reviewed journals - Artikis, T., Jerwood, D. & Voudouri, A. (1992) “Analytical and simulation techniques for discounting binomial random sums”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 16: 53-58 References to: 1.
- Artikis, T., Voudouri, A. & Jerwood, D. (1993) “Analytical and computer simulation techniques for a stochastic model arising in discounting continuous uniform cash flows”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 18: 9-16. References to: 4, 8.
- Artikis, T., Voudouri, A. & Malliaris, M. (1994) “Certain selecting and underreporting processes”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 20: 103-106. References to: 8.
- Voudouri, A. & Dimakos, G. (1996) “Particular cases and applications of a stochastic model in risk management”, Mathematical Review 46: 26-42. References to: 13, 15.
- Artikis, T., Voudouri, A. & Artikis, P. (1997) “Unimodality and applications in risk management of a stochastic compounding model”, International Review of Economics & Business, XLIV: 159-170. References to: 13.
- Artikis, T., Voudouri, A. & Moshakis, J. (1997) “A stochastic present value model in selecting risk management processes”, Journal of Applied Business Research 13: 119-125. References to: 3, 8, 13.
- Artikis, T., Jerwood, D., Moshakis, J. & Voudouri, A. (1997) “A stochastic model for proactive risk management decisions”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 26: 87-95. References to: 1, 3, 8.
- Artikis, T., & Voudouri, A. (2000) “A stochastic integral in discounting continuous cash flows and certain transformed characteristic functions”, Applied Mathematics Letters 13: 87-90. References to: 8, 13, 22.
References to peer-reviewed edited volumes - Steutel, F. & Van Harn (1997) “A generalization of the lifetime pairs of renewal theory”, Advances in the Theory and Practice of Statistics – A volume in Honour of Samuel Kotz, edited by Johnson, N. & Balakrishnan, N., John Wiley and Sons: New York Reference to: 15.
References to peer-reviewed journals in greek - Valma E. (1995) “Force of interest and future value of continuous compounding”, Mathematical Review 43: 90-96. References to: 8, 13.
- Artikis, G. (1995) “A stochastic model of the interest in continuous compounding”, Mathematical Review 44: 52-57. References to: 13.
- Kehagias, J. (1996) “A stochastic model in selective Acceptance of orders”, Mathematical Review 45: 1-12. References to: 8, 13, 15.
- Pazarzis, M., Dimakos, G. & Moshakis, J. (1997) “The Insurance company as an investment. A model of the relation between premiums and capital markets”, Mathematical Review 46: 1-20. References to: 8, 13.
Academic Recognition - Optional Readings (Syllabus of the module) of the following paper at the Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management, The Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University:
“A stochastic present value model in selecting risk management processes” The Journal of Applied Business Research by Artikis, T., Voudouri, A. & Moshakis, J. (1997) 13: 119-125. | |